CŌ Collars

Celebrating Canine Legacies: Where Delivery Dogs Exist and Enhance the Lives of All Living Dogs

The Hearing Campaign

At CŌ Collars, and in affiliation with Dyranomics, we are passionately dedicated to our ‘$5 for FIDO’ campaign, a visionary initiative designed to fundamentally transform the lives of dogs experiencing hearing loss. With every $5 contributed, we move closer to our goal of collaborating with leading human hearing aid companies and renowned canine audiologists. Our mission is to develop a groundbreaking, low-cost hearing device for dogs, projected at just $250. This innovative device won’t just be economical; it will also be readily accessible through established hearing aid centers nationwide. By leveraging the expertise and infrastructure from the human audiology field, we aim to ensure that no dog misses out on the joyful sounds of life due to cost or availability. Join us in this pioneering venture to tune back the world for our beloved canine companions.

Next Steps in Our Canine Care Crusade

After achieving our goal of providing affordable hearing solutions for dogs, CŌ Collars’ ‘$5 for FIDO’ campaigns, in affiliation with Dyranomics, will continue to tackle major canine health challenges, starting with accessible and economical cataract surgery. Our vision is to systematically address each common malady that affects our canine companions. By rallying the support of dog owners everywhere, with a modest contribution of just $5 per campaign, we aim to revolutionize canine healthcare. Each campaign will focus on making essential treatments and care accessible and affordable for all dogs, regardless of their owners’ financial situation. Our commitment is steadfast: to ensure that every dog in every household enjoys the best possible quality of life, campaign by campaign.

A Collar Purchase with a Much Greater Purpose


Alleviating canine blindness enhances navigation and interaction, restoring confidence and independence in affected dogs.


Tackling arthritis promises pain relief, improved mobility, and a better quality of life for dogs with this common, debilitating condition.


Effectively managing diabetes in dogs ensures a balanced, healthier life, preventing complications and extending their joyous years.

Kidney Disease

Addressing kidney disease can significantly improve life expectancy and the overall wellbeing of dogs, ensuring they live fuller, happier lives.


By combating canine dementia, we can preserve memory and awareness, maintaining the precious bond between dogs and their owners.


Effective solutions for epilepsy mean fewer seizures, less anxiety, and a safer, more stable life for dogs.


Solving incontinence restores dignity and comfort to dogs, easing the daily challenges for them and their owners.

Gum Disease

Preventing gum disease protects against oral pain and systemic health issues, contributing to overall canine health and longevity.

Heart Disease

Addressing heart disease can significantly improve cardiac function and quality of life, helping dogs stay active and joyful.

Join Our Mission: Every Action Counts

Support our cause by purchasing a unique CŌ Collar, contributing to the Dyranomics ‘$5 for FIDO’ fund, or nominating a beloved dog as a Delivery Dog.

Buy a Collar With a Purpose at CŌ Collars

Purchase a unique collar to style your dog while directly funding canine health initiatives.

Give $5 for FIDO

Your tax-deductible donation of '$5 for FIDO' at Dyranomics supports our mission to tackle vital canine health challenges.

Nominate a Delivery Dog

People who have lost a dog or the dog has passed over is allowed to nominate them as a Delivery Dog. Their enduring spirit will contribute to enhancing the lives of all living dogs, turning memories into meaningful action.